Life Personalia.

We are brilliant young intellectual and a wanderer soul, Free humans who definitely lived a life that is less ordinary. We live young we live free.  We are never ready to unplug ourselves from the secure world and what if my ignorance for the ‘perfect life’ is just as good as your intellectual fallacious persuaded ‘prefect life’. So, here are the few things I learnt from one of my idol Christopher McCandless.


Never give up your dreams: There are always millions of reasons for us to give up but always keep your goal in sight and if you fail, try harder to achieve your dream. Never compromise to take a stress-free path just because it is the easiest path right now. Sea’s only gifts are harsh blows, and occasionally the chance to feel strong… in life it is not necessarily to be strong but to feel strong. If you take the harder path to your goal, in the end you will realise that the struggles were all just a part of the journey and are worth it for what you have achieved.


Find real valuable ‘things’: We are always told that newer and better material possessions will make you happy and satisfied but these properties will never be stylish enough to compete with the hunger for more. Possessions can never love you back because there’s always a more stylish wardrobe or a more sought after car waiting to be launched. Real happiness rarely lies in the bottom of luxury bags. We will feel secure if we place less value on possessions as a means of happiness.


Always be generous: Always be generous with your encouraging words, you may fine they will inspire others to be the best they can be.


Don’t bother what the society will think about you: We decode the practices by others not simply as they are, but rather we will always see them as we are. Whatever your ideology or system of beliefs are, they will never ever be accepted by everybody, there will always be too much conflict for your liking. If McCandless had listened to the opinions of others he would never have had a life of solitude and peace with nature. Never allow the opinions and negativity of others to control you and your actions.


Find your company in books: If you don’t have people around you doesn’t mean you have no company. You can find absolute happiness with books and they can be never failing friends. They give you some place to go when you are supposed to go where you are. 


Challenge the rules: We live where everybody says that somebody should do it, anybody could have done it but nobody does it because from the inside we know that If we challenge the accepted game of life we will not be sheltered by the consequences of such a hazardous existence. We must lose our inclination for monotonous security. We all have created an invisible circle around us and we never want to step outside it because of the unexpected consequences it may lead to, we are so hallucinated by the idea of a ‘perfect life’ that we will lead inside this circle and we are accustomed to a life of such security, conformity, and protection, all of which may appear to give one peace, but in reality nothing is more damaging than killing all the ideas. People are often bound by the chains of society and it is admirable when one can break free from the day to day “social norm” and do what their heart desires.

                                                                                       ~by Mudit Shukla
