The New Indian Generation.

The India you see today isn't the India from a few decades ago. Its face has changed. Its voice is different. It’s younger, hungrier and will not wait any more. It’s a country that’s defined by its youth. And what exactly defines the Indian youth?
Here are few Things That Truly Define The New Indian Generation.

1) When it comes to picking a career, there aren't just two options - doctor and engineer. The world is their oyster.

2) We aren't afraid to stand up to giants and make ourselves heard. We tweet, blog, protest but we will not stay silent.

3) Taking risks and aiming for the stars comes easy for us. We don't play safe.

4) We pursue success from a young age. We don't care about the rules society has set for us.

5) The new generation speaks the language of unity and not the language of segregation.

6) We are incredibly adventurous. Spontaneous trekking trips, weekend road trips, one-month sabbaticals - nothing fazes us.

7) We are truly global. From technology to politics to the latest memes we always know "what's trending" worldwide.

8) We are more open-minded than the previous generation. Raised by the Internet, we've been exposed to different points of view since childhood.

9) We stop depending on our parents very early. Self-dependence is one of the most defining features of this generation!

10) We demand a change for the better - be it personally, socially or politically!

                                                                                                                       ~by Mudit Shukla 
